Before you sit down to write you have ideas, a plan of the spirit and true understanding of communicating. Who comes to reading whatever you can get your hands on about you. How much? Well, I 'd feel a little insecure writing anything until I 'd digested and understood anywhere from one to two dozen solid references. I 'd probably have looked at skimmed or 50 to 100, but not all of them end up specific reference. Many have no equipment, unique or nothing, is not in other references. Some are only useful for better sources.
I 'd also want to have read all the comments that I could find major reference works, I intend to use. Reviews often contain additional references and prospects. I 'd want for well Journal research literature and scientific journals.
Scholarly books are reviewed in scholarly journals. Books for a wider audience are discussed in newspapers and magazines.
Secondary sources are useful leads to primary sources and as a means to acquire an overview of your subject and the first acquainted with him. Encyclopedias are useful secondary sources.
Review articles in journals and periodicals are too. But you have to go beyond them, for a paper based on secondary sources is considered low.
After reading and digesting the contents, it 's time to organize everything in your mind or on paper, and a clear plan and sense of exposure. Only then can you sit at the terminal d' computer or typewriter and begin to write sentences and paragraphs. To do this, your source without reference at hand. Do it from memory. Then, when the form and content look good, see you again references for more details, facts, figures, references, etc.
Finally, proof read your document to correct spelling and grammar. Read criticism of form and content. Imagine yourself as the instructor, reading the document to find its weaknesses and suggest ways it could be improved. Look, "especially for tripping points ', where the reader is compelled to stop and read something to make sense. Fixed find you. It is another service that you give the reader.
A trademark style is easy reading. If you can read something aloud or tripping without hesitation, that 'sa good sign. If you find that you read, you are lulled to sleep, perhaps prose Polish needs. Every sentence, every word must have a goal in the transmission of an idea or a feeling. Prune those n 't. Purge "flabby 'words and expressions waves. Substitute with words, the accuracy and clarity of meaning within the meaning you intend to convey, not another meaning.
My own view is that the assets, simple and direct expressions are best. Avoid colloquialisms that if they are necessary to make your point. Avoid emotion-laden words and phrases unless you write a novel novel Or a political speech.
Don 't win the legendary English teacher comment on a student: Your vocabulary is average and poor, but quite adequate to express your opinion. Content is the subject of a document, style and packaging may facilitate the understanding of the content, but should not distract the reader content.
Citations and reference guide the reader to other sources of information, and document where you got your information. Common knowledge need not be referenced. The declaration George Washington was the first president of the States United doesn 't require a reference. But if you reference something most people don 't know, like Benjamin Franklin was suspected of spying for the British you must indicate the source of this allegation.
References to ensure that primary sources of information and ideas are given the credit they deserve. You wouldn 't want to give the reader the impression that you have formulated the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein. Each After that you must include the exact words, paragraph, sentence or even a short sentence that is unique, specific, original, or apt in particular, its author deserves credit with a specific reference. Read more about research paper and term paper writing services.
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